The origin of the
Calendar Pix
Way back in 1984 I originally drew up this pix for the
cover of the April issue of the "Telegraph Wire #14" a comix related
mag published by Comics & Comix in Berkeley... The same issue also included
a very odd sort of interview done with Yours Truly...
Later on, in fact some 11 years later in 1995 I redrew
the pix for the cover of a li'l free humor paper... In this case they wanted
to publish it with some simple colors and as the original had Zip-a-Tone
dot screens, which made it less than optimal for coloring, I decided it
would be easier to simply redraw and ink the Pix than to try an remove the
Zip-a-tone... you may note in the second version that Taffy is wearing the
Aviator's jacket and Cap which she wore in the "Taffy and the Pirates"
strip,.. It all makes some sort of sense if you realize that this strip
was also running in the free Tabloid... But as the paper folded about the
same time that I finished the second version, the pix was never published...

Click on either pix to see a larger version of same...
Which brings us to even later in the course of events,..
when we decided on one more try for the Easter Egg Forest pix, we used the
second version, extending it on the sides and replacing Taffy with a new
pose,.. Colored it all in and there you are... Which I suppose only goes
to demonstrate that you should never throw anything away as it may come
in handy later... JQ