The True Story of Easter,..
or: Where did the Bunny come from..?
Now we all remember Jesus, who by most reports was a pretty cool dude... I mean he healed the sick, made the blind to see, walked on water and served up one wicked batch of Wine..!! But then he ran into a run of bad luck and the Romans put the kibosh on him... The next part of the story is sort of a Bummer so we'll skip that...
So anyway,.. a few days later Peter & the boys are mopin' around feelin' pretty sorry for themselves,.. as not only is the Big J no more, but they're all out of a job..! That is to say, after flyin' high with the Big J, there ain't hardly a more down downer than bein' a Disciple out of work... So they're all checkin' out the job listings, fillin' out their relief forms an contemplating movin' back in with Mom...
When suddenly before them, bathed in an ethereal light, it's Jesus hisself..!! Not only is he lookin bad in a zoot-toga an patent leather sandals, but he has got two fine Angel Chix, one on either arm and they are glorious..! Not just the halos an wings and such but each Angelic Chic is stuffed into the cutest li'l bunny suit,.. from silk stockings, to fluffy ears to their puffy li'l cotton tails they are a vision of Angelic Glory..!!
Well Peter and the boys are just sort'a stunned... I mean they're starin' slack jawed... They look at the Angel Bunnies,.. then they look at Jesus... and back to the Bunnies... An Jesus jus' smiles, holds up his hand in the sign of peace and says,.. "So,.. Why do you think they call it Heaven..?"
And that Chillun is how the Bunny got into Easter... Next time I'll tell you about the Eggs...