Warning! Warning! Warning!

But just to show that our hearts are in the right place (right next to the shoulder holster), We bring you absolutely free -- No money down, and just an easy refinance in six months... Yes, *Free* A brand new Hitchcockian classic - a Wyndi and Angelcakes story for the festive season: "The Dreaded Curse of Xmas!" Ooooo Sounds scary!!

What's even scarier (possibly) is this story features some very naughty Angel nipples... Uh Huh... so if you suppose that this sort of thing might warp your mind, cause your head to rotate backwards, or to start reciting in tongues, or pig-Latin -- Then we urge you NOT to click to look! Please, go click somewhere else! Also if you are under 18, or of an easily impressionable state of mind, or a bed wetter, or a US Senator, then we urge you to go mess around on eBay or somewhere and leave this site alone!! You wouldn't like the story - really you wouldn't! For all the rest of you incorrigible reprobates, (you know who you are) aw go ahead an click the link, it can't hurt, your life's ruined anyway... An' should you get a chuckle from it, then next time you see a sidewalk Santa, give the guy a quarter... Ho Ho ho... JQ

Preggers Angel

Yes... It is exactly the same message as on the previous page... We were just curious to see if you were flat-headed enough to read it Twice...

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