CyberFox the Q-Series, was a work of 1991... I had thought it a bit of a clever idea, a way to slip Funny Animals into a more or less "Real" World set in the near future... However, there's more to the whole thing than just that, It isn't really about what you might think at first, in fact the Pivotal character doesn't even get introduced till the 4th installment... Sorry, I can't say a whole lot more about this as I wouldn't want to give things away. The story I suppose is sort of my own attempt at CyberPunk, though when I first started on this I was relatively unaware of the genre, It wasn't till a friend of mine reading through some of the page roughs told me, "Y'know this is really kind'a CyberPunkish." to which I replied: "Eh..?!?" But eventually I glommed onto some of the works of William Gibson & others and that began to color my ideas, particularly in the visualization of CyberSpace... Which I might add, is unfortunately somewhat difficult to illustrate in a B&W Comix,.. while here on the Web I can jazz it up a li'l...
But things didn't go well with the Q-Series, the Publisher folded up shop and the Comix it appeared in failed... Obviously that's a tough way to get things rolling... and as I had other more pressing concerns, I was working on the Uncle Joe series and so on, I really didn't push that hard to find a new home for the thing... There was however a fair amount of material in preparation at the time and so, as time goes by I hope to present more installments here on the Web... Just it takes a bit of time to scan & cut the pages up into web viewable sizes, reset the type to keep it legible and tinkering with html etc...
Story & Pencils are by Yours Truly, Dean Norton inked the intro installment, (I'm still somewhat stunned by his rendering of Equilateral's TopSide Station, which looks so much better than how I actually drew it) Typesetting by F. Tubbins who later helped me with a fair amount of retouching to get the artwork web viewable...