Warning!As the contents of this story are of a moderately tacky nature:
If you are not at least 18 years of age, or if you are a member of any law enforcement bureaucracy, or an elected member of Congress - (Hey Kinky Congress Person, go post your own porn- What do you think we pay you for!?!) Or if you suppose that viewing such dicey content may cause you mental anguish, religious torment, bad breath or unsightly hair loss, then we urge you to go view some more wholesome content instead... Like perhaps the Crystal Cathedral's web page - Hey, they just excommunicated the old man, there's gotta be some juicy ecumenical gossip there! Are they gone?? Are you sure?? Whew!! Well, that's got rid of them!! As for the rest of you (you know who you are), The following story contains little of redeeming value - sketchy unfinished drawings - plus situations and positions unbecoming the well-behaved jungle chic or Bunny... Though with any luck, you ought to find a chuckle or two within these pages... By clicking on this link, you assert that you are of age, in a proper frame of mind and all that... But once you clicked that link, then you won't be reading further - so you won't be reading any of this text. will you? What the Hey? Guess I'll just type a bunch of random letters to make it seem like there's actually more content here... cxjfombf fkvmvmb ffo vlfmvb flfiawxc lvflvf alaldod wp[koe c;lmvvc cvm bvb poere[p gf[pg flcd lert v;hlkg fcc fxojdi uwhc nvfiof ofgpkvb fmfvmkls szcv dfhelsuhfb duifbndf ndnd bsau bdybfdoo dmfnmdf syvvutdpmb ofpgmf pfogkfg mifgf[k Secret fpogj word mpiofgf is pmfgf Pogey-Bait cxjfombf fkvmvmb ffo vlfmvb flfiawxc lvflvf alaldod wp[koe c;lmvvc cvm bvb poere[p gf[pg flcd lert v;hlkg fcc fxojdi uwhc nvfiof ofgpkvb fmfvmkls szcv dfhelsuhfb duifbndf ndnd bsau bdybfdoo dmfnmdf syvvutdpmb ofpgmf pfogkfg mifgf[k fpogj mpiofgf pmfgfcxjfombf fkvmvmb ffo vlfmvb flfiawxc lvflvf alaldod wp[koe c;lmvvc cvm bvb poere[p gf[pg flcd lert v;hlkg fcc fxojdi uwhc nvfiof ofgpkvb fmfvmkls szcv dfhelsuhfb duifbndf ndnd bsau bdybfdoo dmfnmdf syvvutdpmb ofpgmf pfogkfg mifgf[k fpogj mpiofgf pmfgf Uh Huh... Yup... JQ |