December 2019

Banzai Taffy

This December, we return to my favorite Celebration of the month... Saturnalia? Hanukkah? Festivus? That one with the tree an' presents an' stuff?? Nooooo... It's a day that celebrates mankind's true feelings toward our fellow men – a day that expresses, more than any other, the sincerest, innermost soul of humanity – and a bombshell of a day that really started out with a bang! That's right, this year, instead of another shtick Xmas calendar, We gathered Kelly, Heather and the gang together with a few other friends to reenact the 78th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Beach Party! Although, um... seems things may have gotten just a tad out of hand...

But yes, If you've ever pondered what is life all about, why are we here, is there a point to any of this? Well, Pearl Harbor encompasses everything that our civilization holds dear: "Hit 'em hard, Hit 'em low, and preferably when they're not lookin'!"

Also, here's a tip of the hat to those two great practical jokers, Chuichi and Isoroku, without whom World War Two in the Pacific might not have been possible - A day that will live in Irascibility... JQ


Also remember to check out:

December Calendar Pix:

Pearl Harbor Beach Party Small Pix