Seems that it's another November again - when for those of us who survived the infestation of goodie gobbling rug rats on Halloween night, now must face the unspeakable horrors of Voting Season! As most of those "Unspeakable Horrors" are candidates for the Republican party - I find that if some cretin comes knocking at your door, canvassing for one of them, a spritz of Roach Spray will send them scurrying!
That aside: As I seem to have nothing better to do this month, I thought perhaps I should use this space to announce our new Tumblr and FaceBook pages... (actually what happened is, I set out to do a new FaceBook page, but I found the interface so aggravating, that I went over to Tumblr to build the page there)... However, I will be mirroring what we put on Tumblr onto a matching FaceBook page - at least for the time being, or until it becomes hopelessly fubared...
Now some of you may recall that there was a previous Cutey Bunny FaceBook page, which has since been discontinued after we received numerous complaints and threats from concerned viewers and citizen's committees, that it wasn't pervy enough...
So......... after laying low for a while, I thought we might try it again but on a somewhat different tack... The new idea is to use the pages to present various unpublished material, but mostly to shamelessly plug my Bunz & Katz online comix... Why I would want to do that, as I don't make a penny off of any of this, is a mystery to all of us! But what the hey, I thought it might be fun and I could show off some odd comix material rejected by every editor whom I ever stuck it under the nose of... Also to shamelessly plug my Bunz & Katz online comix... Did I mention that??
So here are the URLs: Click on one of them to take you to a Magical Bunny Wonderland of Social Media Mediocrity... JQ
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