April 2018

Keep your Eye on the Ball

"Keep Your Eye on the Ball..."

Yes, it's April, an' that means it's once again time for Baseball, that grand ol' American Sport... and since I enjoyed last year's Bunny-Ball calendar so much, I thought I'd just recycle it, (as I especially enjoyed the idea that this way I don't have to draw a new calendar)...

And what makes Baseball so great? Is it the grossly overpriced hot dogs made of mystery meat an' sawdust? Or is it the tension of the late innings, the pitching duels, the frantic base-running action - all of which you can see much better if you stay home an' watch it on TV? I dunno, I can't explain it...

However, it does seem that perhaps Baseball may be losing TV coverage as "America's Number One Pastime" to the latest School Shootings...

While in responce, Con-Gress is doing what they always do when another mass shooting happens, which is NOTHING! Keeping their heads down, "hoping and praying" for the latest tragedy to disappear off the news cycle... Wile the Chump in Chief has more important issues to deal with: like attacking Mueller, Amazon and the Washington Post, rather than saying anything at all that might rile the NRA... Should we really be surprised?

Of course, a few of the GOP have mustered up the lack of empathy to speak out on the issue... like Rick Santorum, who advised students to "learn CPR"...

And as much as I hate to admit it, he does have a point... Because, Kids, I know you mean well - But realistically, marching and protesting school shootings is all pretty much a waste of your time... Sorry 'bout that... Because until you can raise enough Big Bux to hire high-priced lobbyists to grease Congress's pockets like the NRA does, then the GOP isn't going to do Jack for you!!

A couple of Suggestions: Instead of complaining, maybe start a Go Fund Me "Grease Congress" page... because the wheels of Congress grind exceedingly slowly - an' it requires Mucho Payola to Grease them!! But if you can't come up with enough bux to pay for your Congressman's next election, or vacation... Well, maybe just ask Mom to pack a few Bandaids in your Lunchbox - Or petition the School Board to Include Kevlar Vests as part of the School Dress Code...

Until then, remember that grand old school slogan from the '50s... "Duck an' Cover!!" JQ...


April Calendar Pix:

BunnyBall - small pix