February 2015
Well, here we are in chilly February - that's Sweater Bunny Weather - and speaking of our favorite sweater bunnies - er... Bunny... When it's too cold to go out and you don't feel like shovelin' the sidewalk or sloggin' through the slush - now you can stay cozy an' warm inside with your very own Bunny... It seems my pal Sean has come up with this cute li'l paper doll sort of model Paper Toy that you can put together... all you need is a Printer and some Elmer's Glue and a bit of patience, an' before you know it, there she is! Click on the Pix to download a Printable Version... A few notes from Sean on printing and such:These li'l guys really should be printed on card stock. If you use regular paper the glue tends to wrinkle them up a bit, no matter how sparingly you use it... For cutting, a hobby knife would be best - or tiny li'l nail scissors... Jus' plain ol' Elmer's glue will do for stickin' these together... It takes maybe about an hour to cut and glue her together... perhaps a bit longer if you have to wait for the glue to set on some parts before proceeding... So there you have it. Just download the high - resolution Jpeg (300 dpi), which is why it's a li'l large on file size, but will print sharper... then get to work - an' you may have your very own Bunny in time for Valentine's Day! JQ |