•April 2013Here we are on April Fooz, yet the most important event happening today is Not the Easter just past, or Saber Rattling by the North Koreans... Nope, none of that picayunish stuff... The truly profound event today is the opening of BaseBall Season!! Which brings us to our calendar - The Bunny Bombshells vs. an Out of Town team (from Waaayyyy out of town!) However, Kelly is a really tough out - She may not have the best stance for hitting, but it's effective! Seems the Umpire has trouble seeing the ball when she's at bat - it's been 27 pitches, and he hasn't called a Ball or a Strike yet! Looks like this first inning may take some time... And, speaking of the visiting team - I should mention that our online comix - Bunz & Katz - (an Alien invasion gone terribly, terribly wrong!) is still chuggin' along... Check it out at: www.BunzandKatz.com • |