November 2013Recently all our friends in the Tea Party (America's answer to the Luddites) have been doing such swell work, like um... managing to bring the whole country to a dead stop for a while and wasting billions of dollars in doing so - it just seemed that we ought to do something to commemorate this marvelous accomplishment of theirs... As such, seemed maybe would be fun to illustrate another Tea Party in which Time was brought to a halt by an entirely different gang of goofy, deranged characters... only Boehner & Co. didn't have the excuse of a Magic Watch with bread-crumbs in the works... Just a bunch of Crumbs in the House, trying to turn back the Clock... And speaking of unbalanced dangerous characters... Yes, it's time for another plug for Bunz & Katz, the comix that has everyone talking... (Mostly they're talking about: "How can we Ban this thing?") Recently we posted a new Halloweeny story that you can sing along to - or if you can't carry a tune, you can just hum along... All this and more, at: JQ... |