•August 2013Welcome to another Sucky Hot August... Y'know, some people have been sayin' for years, that these Bunny Calendars kind'a Suck! An' this time maybe I have to agree with them... Yep, when it's a blazing hot August day down at the beach, there's nothing like watchin' a Bunny with a melty dripping SuckyPop to make life worthwhile!! And speaking of watching - I do get the impression that the Vixen here, is hoping to lick up the drips an' dribbles... (maybe we should hang around an' watch a li'l longer - just in case)... While on the Flip side - over at Bunz and Katz.com things have been gettin' Worser an Worser for our Discombobulated Duo! They seem to be having no end of troubles with Giant Robots and Sailor Chix - not to mention (but we will anyway) the lurking Flying Piranha Raccoon Menace! And while those few of you who have actually been reading the strip, may believe that it's all been a cardboard sham - No, the worst is yet to come! The rowdiest, the worstest Sailor of them all is about to make their entrance! This is trouble like Bunz an' Katz don't need - but hey, it makes life interesting... JQ • |