February 2012Okay, so this month's calendar is kind'a late again... But then so is Kelly - so Y'see, it all sort'a evens out... Actually, what happened is: I was sort'a workin' on a completely different calendar pix idea (that you will likely see next month)... I say: "Sort'a Workin'", as I was mostly Not workin' on it... The thing was gettin' later an' later, while I was busy doin' other things... (actually not really all that busy... but let's not go there)... Then, last Friday, I received an eMail from a friend and he mentioned Valentine's Day as a possible theme... VALENTINE'S DAY?!? I'd totally forgotten that it came in Feb! (One of those Senior Moments?) Anyway, that got me to thinking - perhaps I had some already completed pix that I might use for a fill in Valentine's Day Calendar... So I thought about this - and thought about that - then thought about making a sandwich - True, that last thought wasn't overly productive - but eventually an' idea came percolating out... There you have it, the mostly factual account of how this touching and sentimental little Valentine MILF Moment came to be... As for other news that's unfit to print... I continue to be disenchanted with this whole election thing -- Personally, I think that Prez Obama's record totally SUCKS! Yet I think far better of him, than any of these other Clowns who're yelping for votes!! Right now, I'd just as soon vote for a Rock as any of these characters!! Okay, so you probably didn't need to know that... Just our election process is soooo screwed - There seems no fixing it!! I wish we could vote for: "None of the Above" and if "None of the Above" Won - they'd have to run the election over - but with entirely different candidates for us to choose from! Yes, I know that wouldn't really work either - as if we could vote like that and if "None of the Above" actually did get the most votes cast -- they'd just stick us with an entirely different set of bought and paid for candidates (DC is full of 'em) We'd still all lose in the end... So where's the next Teddy Roosevelt or a FDR when we really need 'em?? Heck, I'd settle for a Harry Truman!! Oh Well... JQ |