No, not because of some unpleasantness that happened some 70 years ago in Hawaii, but because Kelly, I mean our Cutey Calendar is a whole week late today!!
As for why the calendar is so late this month - Well, some of you may recall those massive winds that we had here in LA, the ones that blew lot'sa things over an' stuff - Remember those, Right?? Well, the winds didn't really blow that hard around where I live... so that excuse sorta (excuse the expression) "blows" ... But hey, You must also have heard about the extensive power outages, due to stuff that the wind blew over knocking down power lines - you remember those, right? And without that electric juice, can't run your computer, can you?? Great Excuse!! However... the power didn't go out around here either... Oh well, another plausible excuse sinks out of sight! That is, if you if you keep your excuses well hydrated in H20, then that excuse would sink to the bottom! Myself, I store my old excuses in a small jar in the closet - Occasionally I'll unscrew the lid an' let one out as needed - but they've grown weak and flimsy with age and repeated use, so hardly anyone believes them any more...
But, be that as it may... I do want to give a big "Atta-Boy" to Flash J., a fan in England, who suggested the idea for this month's bit of titillation - actually, the idea is based upon a gag cartoon that he recalled seeing in one of his father's old "Men's" type mags from back in the '60s (Remember those? The type of mags with manly-type stories an' lurid illustrations of guys rescuing well stacked and scantily clad wimmen, from Nazis or Cannibals or Commies, an' all that sort of thing - Yep, those mags) ... So this cartoon was in one of those - except as he recalls it, the chick was putting on an elf costume (I changed it to Kelly getting into a shortie Santa outfit, mostly because it seemed more Xmassy). Now Flash doesn't have the old mag or cartoon and I've never seen it either - as such, my version most likely doesn't look anything like the original ... (Just a guess, but it sounds to me like the type of gag that Jack Cole might've used in one of his pin-up cartoons) - Anyhow, anyone who who has a copy of the original cartoon and could scan it in, I'd sure like to see it!! Could be something in it for you... an original sketch perhaps...
Oh, and one more thing - there may be a special "Xmas Present Story" posted right around Xmas ... Sort'a depends on if I get it done in time or not -- So it might be worth your time to check back about then... And should I not get it done in time - well, remember, this stuff is All Free, folks - An' worth every penny, too! Uh Huh JQ