January 2011
Hey, here we are in 2011 - So how do you like it so far?? Looking on the bright side - it's gotta be better than the previous year... ('cause, If it ain't, we're all in a "Heap O' Trouble!") While, on the Flip side - Looking back on the year past, it wasn't all bad... I mean, we weren't invaded by Martians - a Giant Comet didn't crash into the planet, a huge radioactive beast didn't eat Tokyo, and the Cubs didn't win the World Series (again)... Not that I have anything against the Cubbies - just it's a well-known factoid that their winning of the Series would be the 13th sign of the apocalypse... (and if that wasn't "Well Known" to you - well, it is now!) And while 2010 was full of Unemployment, Floods, political doublespeak (which is a lot like a flood), Republicans, Oil Spills, Tea Parties, more political doublespeak, (which is a lot like an Oil Spill, only Greasier) Backed-Up Drains and a lot of other things that we could have done without - As I mentioned, it wasn't all bad... After all, All of us reading this, did survive, to read this - and that is something!! Though as Years come and Years go, as a friend summed up 2010: Then again, Looking forward to the new year - what could we all do better this time around? Perhaps we should all try, just Not getting out of Bed for 12 months and see how that works... And perhaps that is exactly what Vicky is thinking about for Her and Kelly, in this month's Calendar Pix... See, I worked in a rationale for the Calendar somehow... It wasn't just because I wanted to draw the chix in a kinky situation, with the Vixen propositioning the Bunny (again) - (though there was that)... There sometimes actually is a rhyme and reason to these things - Just don't ask me what... Uh Huh - JQ... |