Febluelly 2011
Well here it is February and seems we're late again... Although as this month's calendar celebrates (sort of) the Chinese New Year, which just happens to start on the 3rd of Feb - well, Y'see, we're not really all that late after all... Though, "Why the Chinese New Year?" you might be asking yourselves... Because: this particular year just happens to be the "YEAR of the BUNNY" -- See how neatly that works out?? Also, as um... considering how the Chinese now own more of the US Debt than most anybody else, would seem prudent to play nice with 'em... Plus, as February also means Valentine's Day - that too went into the mix... which sort of explains why, while we usually show the Bunny being--er, victimized by a certain voluptuous Vixen -- as it's the Year of the Bunny this year, we have the Dlagon Bunny giving the Vixen a bit of comeuppance in that thrilling epic: "Indiana Vicky in the Temple of Poon..." Now available at all fine porn shops, at nominal rental fees... (You Wish!) I might also add - That I'd kind'a given up on this particular calendar idea and had moved on to other things -- till Walt's instigation an' agitation got me to finish it up... (which is also why it's a bit late.) Also, as a historical note, might point out that the pose of the top pix was one of the earliest pix that I drew of the Bunny -- though the inks and colors are more recent (just in the past few days, in fact)... And that, I think, about covers matters for this month... Now I gotta work out what Calendar pix to do for March... any ideas??? JQ... . |