September 2011·
Well, seems another September has rolled around - As last year we did "Back 2 Skool with Taffy," this time around, thought we'd feature some of the rest of the Bunny crew -- Also, for those of you keeping score - this also seems to be the end of the run for those Jungle Chic Themed Calendars... Yes, once again it;'s time for another "Back 2 Skool" Calendar pix... This one featuring the perils of those cute short skirted school uniforms and a perky Bunny tail... For those of you familiar with Anime or Manga, the "Sera Fuku" (or "Sailor Fuku") style school uniform of Midi Blouse and Short Pleated Skirt should be a familiar sight... For whatever reason (probably because most Anime is drawn by guys) those short skirts just seem to get shorter and shorter, showing off more and more schoolgirl... This is known in some circles as "Artistic License", while others might consider it as borderline... Well Um... Let's not go there... Of course, the most extreme example of this "Shrinking" (LESS is More, as in: More Pantie Shots) philosophy, being Donald Duck, who wears the Midi blouse with No pants at all!! Anyway, it was in considering the various implications of the Sera Fuku along with Perky Bunny tails, (when you're a Cartoonist, you gotta think about these type of things) that the idea for this months calendar pix sort of percolated out... At first I thought, "Too many Bunnies" which means too time consuming to draw... I'd rather stick with single character ideas as less time consuming to create... But then as the end of August approached and no better ideas (or less complex anyway) had come up) I eventually just knuckled down and did the thing... Y'see, it's just a matter of practicalities and Not really anything to do with a fascination with short skirts and panties... Or at least that's my story - an' I'm sticking to it!! Uh huh... JQ |