January 2010
Well, this is without a doubt the most pointless calendar that I've yet posted! It's so late this month, there's hardly any point, is there?? Obviously, my new year's resolution wasn't to get these done in a more prompt and timely manner... For those of you who may be wondering why the calendar was so late - looking at the background, you might suppose that we've all been on some psychedelic trip -- But truthfully, I was just hit by an extended case of ambivalence -- after inking the pix of the two Bunnies, I found that I really didn't care for it all that much -- so I put off working on 'em for a while -- eventually I got around to filling in the colors and such - but didn't really get all the tones finished - and as things got later and later, I always seemed to find something more interesting to do than to work on this... so yeah, I did get a lot of other things done - did a fair bit of writing - worked on other pix - upgraded my OS - totally failed to get past that level that I'm stuck on in Tomb Raider - But for the calendar, didn't do much... Eventually, today, sitting here listening to the rain pound down, I thought perhaps I should do something about it before the whole place washed away - and finally knuckled down to wrap up all the unfinished bits and pieces -- So here they are, Heather and Kelly getting ready for the party celebrating the new year (which isn't quite so new any more)... I'm not certain if they intended on wearing more than just ribbons -- I wasn't invited -- and for those of you keeping score - this marks the third month in a row that Heather has appeared without her panties! That must be some sort of a record... So, "Sorry 'bout that Chief" - and perhaps next month I won't be quite so late... Just a few notes - the background here isn't really exactly what I had intended - Y'see, I recently upgraded my aging Mac to OS 10.6 - and, well, this broke a few odd apps - Unfortunately, those included a number of Photoshop Filters... As I don't use those particular filters all that often - this caught me by surprise tonight - and checking online, I find the "Fix" is to purchase their upgraded versions... Gee, isn't that Swell!! Guess I'll be doing without those filters for a while... So anyway, I fired up an even older Machine to crank out some random patterns with Kai's Power Tools and mixed those with other odd layers and such to come up with something that I suppose is at least passable... it's bright, anyway... Another note about my Upgrade... since the Beginning, Macs and Windows machines have used different Gamma settings (Win box Monitors at 2.2 are generally a bit darker) which is why I've always prepared two sets of calendars, a Mac one and a slightly lighter version for Windows... Well, as of OS 10.6, Apple finally conceded the issue and from this point on, at least the Macs running current and future versions of OSX will also have their gamma set at 2.2 -- As such, I thought that I might as well discontinue making two versions of the Calendars from now on... Perhaps some of you who use them, might write and tell me how they look on your machines -- they might look a tad light on Macs running older versions of OSX, but not critically so... Okay, I guess that's about enough excuses and equivocating for this month... Time for me to hash out the HTML and get these posted... Uh Huh - JQ... |