•February 2010
Feb. 2nd: Note: Some of you may prefer a brighter more Saturated Pix - so have added these as an option for calendar downloads tonight... JQWell, here we are Feb 1st and practically on time with the new Cutey Calendar... For those of you with an curiosity for ancient history, or especially Egyptology, you may find this of special interest... Recently, while scanning the web for p.... er, for items of cultural enlightenment, *ahem*, I came upon some photos of newly discovered wall paintings, brought to light by researchers from the University of Dublin, supported by Guinness Brewing Ltd. Their archeological team have been clearing chambers in the tomb of the little-known 18th-dynasty female Pharaoh, Neferschtuppt, located in Central Egypt's Valley of the Queens. Among the tomb's colorful wall paintings, photographed by the expedition, was this procession of Goddesses: from left, the falcon-headed Horissa, Goddess of the Whorizon; cat-headed Bastet, Goddess of Love, Cuddling and Alimony; ewe-headed Amunette, Goddess of Leisurely Dining and Gossip; Unnuit, the Bunny Goddess of weekend Sleepovers; Hathor, the Bovine Goddess of Dairy Delights, -- and um... some others... In other paintings in the tomb, the usual ritual poses of these female deities were replaced by-- ahem-- various other poses and activities, which members of the expedition declined to reveal to the general public... although they added they will send a portfolio in a plain brown wrapper to donors, in return for a certain monetary fee and a case of Guinness... As for other news - only 64 days until opening day of BaseBall... Go ChiSox!! Uh Huh... JQ •
A Note about the Calendars - since the Beginning, Macs and Windows machines have used different Gamma settings (Win box Monitors at 2.2 are generally a bit darker) which is why, up until recently, I've prepared two sets of calendars, a Mac one and a slightly lighter version for Windows... Well, as of OS 10.6, Apple finally conceded the issue and from this point on, at least the Macs running current and future versions of OSX will also have their gamma set at 2.2 -- As such, I thought that I might as well discontinue making two versions of the Calendars... Perhaps some of you who use them, might write and tell me how they look on your machines -- they might look a tad light on Macs running older versions of OSX, but not critically so... |