•December 2009
Well, here were are at December again - and that generally means another Xmas Calendar - It's sort'a expected I suppose... As some of you may recall, Last month we featured a pix of Heather making out her gift list for Xmas... Now, this month we show the aftermath of her making-out-- Ah, that is -- of her gift-giving on Xmas... Obviously, Heather has a great many friends... oh-so-generous sort of friends... While for every bauble or ring and thing that Heather receives, well she gives a gift in return... something that is very special, very, um... Well you might say that it's the nicest gift of all... And well, after a Lot of gift-giving, it takes a lot out of a Bunny (or it puts a lot into a Bunny - depending upon how you look at it)... This sort'a leads one to wonder, is it possible to have too many friends at Xmas? We'll have to remember to ask her, after she comes out of her daze... All that said and done - I had also somewhat intended to have a special short story ready as an Xmas gift to everyone who drops by the website... Well, that didn't exactly get finished... Still, I would like to do something here -- so if you drop by the last week of December, I'll have something - it may be a short story piece - it may be only a special pin-up, I dunno yet - posted as a Xmas gift for that one week only - Probably will put it up on Xmas Eve night... Yup... JQ • • |