November 2008Well here we are at November... Not a lot new to report - other than, I'm considering the possibility of selling original sketches again... I don't have any fixed prices or anything like that figured out... (Prepared? Who, Me???) These would be either pencil sketches or pen & Ink (B&W)... Anyone who might be interested, just send me a email from the link on the home page, (leave the subject line the same)... Tell me what you'd like, and we can dicker over prices or whatever... Guess you could say that this is rather experimental to see what happens... So let's see, what else is there of import going on? Oh yeah, that election thingie on Tues... I'm sure we all have our own hopes and wishes about who might win... While I have my reservations about Democrats in general, Obama, seems a pretty decent guy-- and then there's McCain, who seems to have redefined the word, "Maverick" as now meaning: "Four more years of the same old sh*t... er, Stuff..." And looking back over those past four or eight years: Yes, after eight years of financial shenanigans, the chickens have finally come home to roost-- and found their roost had been foreclosed... Naturally, the govt's first reaction to the gathering guano-storm was to throw money at it... give everybody a "stimulus" check -- Not enough to pay off a home foreclosure, too much to spend on a pizza... My own check seems to have unaccountably gotten "Lost" in the mail - how 'bout yours? And now, as the situation gets worse and we slide gracefully bassackwards into Great Depression II, our fearless govt. has thought hard about the problem, and come up with a New and Brilliantly Original solution to the crisis... namely, throw money at it... was it $57 billion or $8 trillion they gave to the banks and giant corporations as a "bailout?" but with inflation, I guess it won't really matter much... And it doesn't matter much to all the Little People, who are still losing their homes to foreclosure-- 'cause the banks were so grateful for that big "bailout" windfall, they socked it carefully away for Important Things... like vacation junkets, luxury-resort "conferences," year-end Bonuses and the like... Seems they decided not to do anything "Risky" with it, like to actually bail out Bad Loans... After all, that's what Foreclosures are for... Unfortunately. it seems our Buxom Bunny Heroine has also lost her humble hovel, but fortunately, this being just after Halloween, she did have a bit of temporary shelter at hand... although that's not likely to last long... You know how them pumpkins wilt when exposed to the heat of just one candle, so just imagine what Bunny Body Heat will do to one... Go on, just imagine... Well Guess that all for now... Other than to encourage one and all to: "Vote Early... and Often"... Yup, JQ |