Sorry for bein' a few days late this month -- I had a busy week (not profitable.... just busy)...
Last month I mentioned that I'd been workin' on a different calendar than the Neolithic Ridin' Hood one that we used in September -- a calendar somewhat inspired by Ray Bradbury's 88th birthday and Mars exploration (more specifically the Phoenix Lander), but that I had just run out of time... Well - this month is that calendar... And yes, it does seem as though the Phoenix really has discovered Ice on Marz - which comes in handy when it uses its robot arm to mix those "Marz-Tinis" (Shaken not stirred -- of course) for the Green Bunnies... And what are those two doing on the Martian Pole? (waitin' for Santa perhaps??) I guess they're doin' what they always do -- that is: Lookin' Hot an' Sassy - while playin' with all those toys we keep sendin' them... Or in this case, apparently reprogramming the Phoenix Lander to teach it to mix drinks... Does that make this landing site a "Mars Bar"? (*Groan* - sorry)...
But, be that as it may... Tonight (Saturday) listened to the Cubs - Dodger playoff game in LA... as despite having the best record in the National League, the Cubs went down 3 games straight, being the first team to be eliminated in the playoffs... (I had rather expected them to lose the series after they lost the first two games - but had rather expected a Cubs win tonight, as its a very Cubby thing, to lose in the most drawn-out and painful manner possible - whereas going down 3 straight is getting the ax and getting all the suffering over rather too quickly)... In an odd synchronistic bit, seems on this same day in October of 1959 (49 years ago to the day), the Dodgers beat the South side Chicago team - the White Sox, in the World Series by exactly the same score of 3 to 1... (Those of you who're into numerology, feel free to go to town on this).
Sort of makes one wonder if there may be some greater rhyme or reason to Life, the Universe and all that..? Or, perhaps it only means that the Deity is spending (his/her/its) time fiddling with baseball scores instead of attending to important matters like Global Warming, Pork Barrel Bailouts or creationist loonies and their ilk... an' Y'know if he is, That actually might explain a lot...
By the way - For those of you who don't know what an "Ilk" is - Well... an' "Ilk" is kind'a like a Moose... (eh heh) which brings us around to our li'l contribution to the current political madness -- So why not make yourself some buttons for you an' your friends (or for your enemies even)... It's fun, it may impress your friends (if they're easily impressed) and will cost you less than the current bailout scam... Yes, wear your button Proudly - As we have so little to be proud about these days...
But guess that's about all for now... JQ