Yes, it's Easter season once again, and so once more we turn back the bed sheets --er, I mean the pages of time, to the ancient Temple of Dendera, 1500 BC., where the Bunny Priestesses of Hathor, Goddess of Fertility and Grade-A Goodness, paraded solemnly before the worshippers with the glowing symbol of the mystic World-Egg... After the procession, ancient scrolls reveal, the Priestesses covered the back rooms of the temple with comfy pillows and things for the second and *ahem* more fun portion of the ritual, Performed with specially chosen acolytes... Chosen for their great enthusiasm -- their great stamina -- and um other great attributes...
If you recall last years image, you might have wondered, how did all those priestesses manage to be so flawlessly groomed, so perfectly choreographed for the ancient Procession? Especially, since what with natural attrition, retirement and maternity leave and so on, the temple had to initiate many new Trainee Priestesses every year... It required a fair amount of practice and concentration for the Trainee Priestesses to levitate the glowing eggs while keeping in step with the procession -- Although they did just fine in the final part of the ritual, Bunnies having a natural talent in that direction...
This year, we have a candid shot of two young Priestesses, up early and eager, preparing the Dendera Temple for the procession - obviously a little excited - maybe a little too excited - watch those eggs, girls - if you drop em you might catch KP and miss the whole celebration - especially the fun finale... So careful with those eggs, you wouldnt want to miss out on the big Marshmallow Roast! Uh Huh... JQ