Well here we are at February, for such a short month, Feb. seems to have a preponderance of Holidays, as well as my Aunt Anises birthday (which also happens to fall on Ground Hogs Day - and anyone who ever met Anise, would know that Ground Hogs Day was the only day that she couldve been born)... but I digress - and while I did once do a Ground Hogs Day themed Calendar, the standard theme for this month is not that, nor is it Presidents day - Washingtons birthday - Lincoln's Birthday - Ash Wednesday - Tu BShevat - or even the Chinese New Year... Of course not, Its Valentines Day - commemorating that Sainted fellow who handed out candies an stuff to underage children... come to think of it, a LOT of Catholic priests recently, seem to have gotten busted for similar activities and other things... Hmmmmm... Well, leave us not to question why -- After all, a Holiday is a Holiday - even if it isnt one that gets you out of school...
As for notes n this specific Calendar Pix... It originally was sketched out back in 1995 - Click here to see the Scanned Sketch - If I recall correctly, I believe this was my First Sketch of the Year, scribbled out on New Years Night... Kinda shows you what my life is like, doesnt it? Instead of going to some New Years Party or some such, gettin drunk, loud an obnoxious, an then puking it all up later, (Oh what fun!) here I was listening to the Goons on the radio and scribbling out suggestive Bunny Pix... uh Huh... (KUSC always plays a Goon Show as part of their New Years Bash) -- But, be that as it may, thats as far as it went - never did use the pix for anything... That is till recently, while playing with AnimeStudio, I digitally Inked the characters - the Sofa and other bits were drawn in Illustrator (easier to keep it symmetrical) - the whole thing Composed and Colored in PhotoShop - HTML hashed out in Golive - and there you have it...
As for other notes: Looks like Goldie Lynx will hit the Comix Shops in March - its not a large print run, so she should sell out quick - if you want a news-stand copy, better grab it if you see one... Meanwhile Ive been waffling between working on a new Hard Boiled story, or a new Bronco Bunny Story - theyre both in semi-completed form, I really should concentrate on one or the other if I expect to get either finished any time soon... Should anyone have a preference, feel free to drop a line an let me know...
Or for that matter, If anyone has suggestions for a new Calendar Theme, it cant hurt to run it by me... If the idea appeals to me, I might do it - an if not, well nothing lost... Remember though, these Calendars do need to be PG rated...
Seems that about covers things for this month - so enjoy yourselves, just dont take candy from strange guys in cassocks... Uh Huh - JQ.