As for the rest of it, Well 2005 has come an' gone... Did we all learn anything from the experience..? I think probably not - How many more are dead in Iraq? Is anyone keeping tabs? Does anyone give a rat's ass? (Doesn't seem like it)... One thing that I think is sinking in with us 'Mericans, is the diminishing lifestyle - People are finally wising up that the middle class is being pounded into the lower class, an' there's no going back...
For a few Yucks, just when we thought he'd plumbed the depths of inanity, the Clown in the white house admits to a felony while on TV... Way to go Dubya..!
On the weather front, more big storms, an' New Orleans dun sunk... Then guess who got the contract to "Fix" it... Haliburton... Big surprise, Huh??
In local politics, our Gubernator's state proposals went down in flames, one and all, in the midst of a special election that did nothing but pound more millions down a rat hole...
Yep, so much for 2005 - Turned out, what we'd thought was the "Light at the end of the tunnel" was instead the Neocons burning the bridge ahead of us... Now on to 2006 - is every one in step? Good - - Hup, Hoop Heep Horp.. Step lively now, we've got a lot more shit to march through... JQ