March 7th 2005Okay, so here we are with the more or less finished Tintype Calendar... That is, unless I decide to do a few more fixes later... hope it was worth waitin' for... Leastwise I know what I plan to do for next month, so may even have it ready on time... Uh Huh... JQ March 1st 2005Well here we are again... This isn't exactly this month's calendar - more like an Amazing Simulation to fill in till I finish the pencils on the actual art... (So check back in a few days - Okay?) I possibly should also point out (not that it makes a lot of difference) that this pix seems to have practically nothing to do with the Bronco Bunny story that Walt & I are currently workin' on... (Or failing to work on... Dependin' on how you look at it)... But back in the great ol' days of the B Western, the Gower Gulch Gang was an offhanded way of referring to the stuntmen, and riding extras - many of which were former cowhands themselves. Yep, they're the ones who did the real riding work and did the real falls that made the Duke, an Gene, an Hoppy an all look so rough an tough up there on the silver screen..... At one point, near the corner of Gower & Sunset was a li'l water hole of a bar where these guys would hang out between jobs... Hence the name... Its long gone now... But the memory lingers on, at least as long as there's still a few B Western aficionados watchin' the ol' posse ridin' into the sunset along the stardust trail... Uh Huh... JQ |