March 2004A Blustery Day - Or: Vicky's li'l April Fooz Joke, just one month early... Over the years, in various calendars, we've explored various ways and machinations to remove Kelly from her panties - or Bikini bottoms or similar... But for whatever reason, this month's panty job seemed to cause more logistic problems than the usual... The basic idea was Walt's - So if you're going to report anyone to the ASPCA, Its him Okay? Its His fault, He's the One..!! But that aside, seems its a Blustery Day in Old New York - possibly my least favorite city in the 48 - and after this Calendar, it may be Kelly's also... Or as someone once said: "Beware the Ides of March." Or as Vicky might say: "Surprise! Its April fools, just one month Early!" Or something like that anyway... JQ And as an Extra Bonus - Here's a photo gallery of development sketches for this month's calendar!.. |