Our Hula Chix and Santa Hats Xmasy Version:December 2003This year, our calendar commemorates my own personal favorite holiday - a day that celebrates mankind's true feelings towards our fellow men - a holiday that expresses more than any other, the sincerest, innermost soul of humanity and a holiday that really started out with a bang... That's right, this year, instead of another wretched Xmas calendar, Kelly and the gang got together with a few friends to reenact the 62nd anniversary of the Pearl Harbor raid... Though, um... seems things may have gotten just a tad out of hand... But yes, If you've ever pondered what life is all about, why are we here, is there a point to any of this and will the stock market ever bounce back..? Well Pearl Harbor encompasses everything that our civilization stands for: "Hit 'em hard, Hit 'em low, and preferably when they're not lookin'..." And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to say, is what America stands for..!! Of course, some of you literalists may point out, that at Pearl Harbor, it was the Americans who got hit - and that is true... But then stop and consider how many times since then have we done it to others..? Yes, for those who wonder why people around the world hate us - you should pay attention to the horrible things that the US and US Corporations have done... But then, that's sort'a outside the scope of this calendar... For now let's just remember 1941 and the day America got involved in our last "Fun" war - A day that will live in Irascibility... Also, here's a tip of the hat to those two great practical jokers, Chuichi and Isoroku, without whom World War Two in the Pacific might not have been possible... |