July 2002
Well its about the 4th of July, so in a patriotic sort of mood, Kelly and Heather suit up for a li'l morale-raising roller blading down towards the Santa Monica Pier - Where it seems once again, Kelly's having just a tad of difficulty in keeping her bikini on... Now that's Morale-Raising..! For anyone who's actually been out on the Santa Monica Pier - Yes this really is the Pier, just through the magic of PhotoShop, we've changed things around a bit... In the original Pin-up Pix that I scribbled out many years ago, I drew the pier from memory and that portion of the pier doesn't strictly exist any more as it was destroyed in a storm that tore off half its length - It has since been rebuilt (the pier that is) - though not quite like it was... For those who're sticklers for accuracy, the black'n'white pix isn't entirely accurate either... On the corner of the Pier where I drew the shooting gallery, was actually a bar named: "Moby's Dock", while the shooting gallery was farther east between the Penny Arcade and Sinbad's - But then the joke with Uncle Joe and Howdy Ivan wouldn't have been visible back there... For those who're interested, Here's the original Black an White Pix... This may or may not be interesting to anyone - but this is our 50th calendar... This whole Calenadar thing started back in Jan of 98 - So if you do the Math, you'll count out on your fingers an toes that we should'a hit 50 sometime before now - but as the first five months were only posted on Compuserve, those calendars were later reused (See the Old QT Calendar section for more detales if you should be interested)... As a bit of fun - anyone out there that can name all the characters from various stories who're out stroling on the pier, the first entry who gets them all correct, we'll award some sort of prize... JQ Mac & Win Calendars are slightly different sizes to reflect the commonly used resolutions on those platforms - though you can use any of them on either platform if you like - of course it's usually best to match sizes to your own monitor resolution... As for Linux, Sun or BeBoxs - or whatever - I guess you have to do the best you can... (If anyone out there is using the Calendars on any of these, drop a line & let me know - okay..?) And finally; All the Cutey Bunny Desktop Calendars as well as Cutey & Cutie Bunnies and associated characters are TM and Copyright Joshua Quagmire. These Calendar Pix are free for personal use but not for reposting or any form of resale... Any comments, problems or whatever Feel free to contact me: Good 'ol Joshua Quagmire |
Mac Calendar:Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors |
Windows Calendar:Medium: 800/600 for 17 inch Color monitors |