December 2001
Yes, it's December again and time for another pointless but titilating Xmas Calendar - Even if Kelly, or that is the Calendar, is jus' a tad late...
Also the Mac & Win Calendars are slightly different sizes to reflect the commonly used resolutions on those platforms - though you can use any of them on either platform if you like - of course it's usually best to match sizes to your own monitor resolution...
As for Linux, Sun or BeBoxs - or whatever - I guess you have to do the best you can... (If anyone out there is using the Calendars on any of these, drop a line & let me know - okay..?)
And finally; All the Cutey Bunny Desktop Calendars as well as Cutey & Cutie Bunnies and associated characters are TM and Copyright Joshua Quagmire. These Calendar Pix are free for personal use but not for reposting or any form of resale... Any comments, problems or whatever Feel free to contact me: Good 'ol Joshua Quagmire