Just a note or two on this month's Calendar Pix... It originally started
off as a pix penciled by yours truly and inked by good 'ol Dean ("What
Me Worry?") Norton... And it was printed in one or another of the Cutey
Bunny Pin-up Comix... for those of you who're interested, here's a copy
of the original pix... As you can see, there's not much left of Dean's inks
in the colored calendar version... (Those scritchy scratchy pen cross-hatches
just don't go well with colors)... They also don't go well with low screen
resolution graphix as they all tend to glop together... Hence just about
everything outside of the bunnies needed to be re rendered and even the
bunnies required heavy retouching to clean up their lines...
Sort'a makes one wonder why I'd even bother,.. but it's just such a
ding-dong concept that I wanted to see it in color..! The idea of the Bunnies
Sun-bathing in Space to get that elusive Perfect Tan is a fun one... As
for how they might survive in the apparent hard Vacuum of space..? Well,
it is a well known aspect of Comic Book Physics: that while men might require
bulky space suits to protect them from the cold vacuum and explosive decompression of deep space,
women on the other hand (particularly well stacked women - I think it has
something to do with their lung capacity) can easily survive in hard vacuum while
wearing little more than the skimpiest of negligee... As such, the Bunnies
with their Bikinis and Beach Towels, could easily be considered overdressed...